Last weekend I went to a church event called RAW (Real and Wild).
I've just been sitting here thinking back to some of the amazing times we had, on the streets, partaking in something we call 'Treasure Hunting!'.
To begin with, we got into small groups and prayed for words of knowledge or pictures from God about people we were going to meet that afternoon. Then we headed out onto the streets...
The first person we saw was a lady with metallic straps on her sandals. This had been one of the pictures we had. Sadly, we missed the opportunity to talk to her, and carried on... we spoke to and prayed for some guys whose Dad had cancer, and prayed for healing for him. One of the words of knowledge had been that we would meet someone who had just found out a family member had cancer.
Following this, we were feeling gutted we hadn't spoken to the lady we first saw, so we agreed together as a team that we would meet her again.
We started to head to our next destination (we had had some fairly specific pictures of places in Leicester)... we walked around the corner and into the next street and saw a lady by herself... so as a team we approached her and started to talk to her. Mid way through chatting with her, I looked down and noticed the lady we were talking to was the same one we had a picture of (her sandals), and who we had previously missed! I think one by one in the group we started to realise, and all felt really excited by the fact God had led us to her again, as we agreed! We had an amazing time of talking with and praying for this lady... it turned out she'd been searching for a while, even that day she had been talking about Jesus with a relative of hers!! She was totally blown away by the fact that God had given us a picture related to her, and she was really appreciative of the prayer and time we took to chat to her!
After chatting to her, we all felt encouraged and inspired to continue seeking out the words of knowledge... and we met a few more of the words/pictures and had some good times of praying with people and exchanging details.
It was overall an amazing time, and we all felt pretty blown away by the results... God is so faithful!
The next day, we were sent out to do some free healing! Again, some amazing God happenings...
Firstly, we met a lad who was on roller-skates, and we asked him if he needed any healing. The reason we asked was he was another of the words we had on the Friday, and God had said he needed healing in his ankle. Anyway, he proceeded to tell us he had hurt his ankle that morning, and would appreciate some prayer for that. So we prayed for him. We then noticed his friend had a rash on his leg, and believe it or not, another of the pictures we had had on the Friday was of a lad with a rash on his leg! Again, we prayed!
We then met another guy we had had a word for, with an antelope on his t-shirt (pretty unusual)! However, he didn't want prayer... I'm sure it got him thinking though- we saw him walking off down the street inspecting his T-shirt with his friends!
Overall, an amazing couple of days of evangelism... seeing God's heart for people, and being able to impart just a little bit of His love and heart for them was amazing... our God is an awesome God!