Tuesday 11 September 2012


There can be
an end.
An end to the cycle
that is all they know.

There can be
a hope.
A new hope in their lives
something new and fresh.

There can be
a change.
A change that comes from God
exciting, renewing.

They can be
set free!
Free from the sin and chains
that darken their lives.

We can be
a light.
Shining in the darkness
showing a better way.

God will be
lifted high.
The victory is His
these souls will surely be won!

I wrote this one about the people I live on an estate with, it's quite a rough estate, and I found this longing, hope and passion inside for the chains to be broken in their lives. Something I've learnt is that the results we want to see aren't always instant, BUT I still believe that the love we show them now will have a lasting effect, and I believe God will be faithful in bringing them through.

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